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Hardware asset management

Optimize your IT equipment assets with automation and accurate information

Optimo DUX is an IT equipment lifecycle management solution that allows you to automate the management of equipment lifecycle information, optimize the overall costs of the equipment and maximize the benefit from equipment investments.

It combines the information obtained from financial and information management and suppliers' systems with the device base in use by the organization throughout their entire life cycle.

Optimo DUX shows the status and utilization rate of IT equipment assets in real time, so that costs do not run away  and devices can be efficiently recycled. End users and financial administration get up-to-date and correct information for financial monitoring and planning. The use of Optimo DUX can also be extended to other types of technology and fixed assets.

Our solutions

Optimo DUX SaaS

An intelligent IT asset management system

Audit of terminal assets


Development of an IT asset management model


Acquisition, management and renewal

We optimize all stages of the life cycle

Automate data management and services

  • Life cycle information management of IT devices
  • Order supply chains
  • Transparent allocation of costs
  • Internal or external service billing

Optimize the total cost of the device asset

  • Monitoring of equipment use, disturbances and environmental metrics
  • Optimizing equipment stock and life cycles with accurate information
  • Inventory minimization
  • Utilization of aftermarket value

Minimize deviations and ensure efficient use

  • Minimization of disturbances and deviations
  • Root cause analysis and mitigation
  • Anticipation of maintenance needs
  • Choosing the right device for your needs

Inventory and find your device

  • Real-time inventory of workstations and peripherals
  • Indoor positioning of workstations and peripherals
  • Asset tagging and device information retrieval with barcode, NFC, or BLE tags
Cost optimization

IT asset management is an important part of information management cost optimization

In many organizations, the exact size of the IT equipment assets or the share of the equipment in the production costs is not known. The use of devices is not measured, and therefore planned development of IT equipment and the costs it brings is impossible.

Optimo DUX is a concrete tool for managing with information, with which you optimize the present and plan for the future. For example, you can simulate the acquisition costs of IT equipment brought by the new business and see their impact on the budget.

Optimo DUX also alerts proactively when the equipment's warranty or financing contracts are about to expire. The information stays up-to-date without time-consuming and error-prone manual work
Auditing of IT equipment assets
  • Accurately shows the number of workstations, mobile devices, software and peripherals in your organization.
  • We find out which systems contain information about the devices.
  • We find out deviations in, for example, ownership and warranty information.
  • You will find out the real age of the devices, possible missing devices, and discrepancies and errors in the data located in different systems.
  • We make a plan for real-time and accurate management of IT device data.
  • The audit has a fixed price, and during it you get the opportunity to view the equipment assets through Optimo DUX.
  • If you also want to map your software assets and cloud services, we will implement it together with our partner Crayon.
  • The audit provides the basis for updating or creating an IT asset management strategy if it does not yet officially exist.

All parties benefit


  • A real-time view of the use and functionality of the workstation environment.
  • Service invoicing, which end customers can verify..
  • Cyber security improves when it is known where devices are used.
  • Longer device life cycles, optimization of the device base.
  • Comprehensive and up-to-date reporting

IT service management

  • The amount of error-prone manual work is reduced
    • Device card creation automatically.
    • Accurate and up-to-date information to the device register automatically
  • Accurate and automated service billing and reporting.
  • Correct warranty information for maintenance procedures.
  • Service desk finds devices with indoor positioning in maintenance and replacement situations.
  • Anticipation and prevention of disturbing situations reduce the need for support services.

Finance and management

  • The accuracy of procurement forecasts and budgeting improves.
  • Measured information to support procurement and tenders.
  • Cost savings when you don't needlessly acquire new equipment and are able to optimize the life cycle costs of the equipment.
  • The responsibility of operations improves when it is possible to optimize purchases, recycle more efficiently and measure environmental impacts.

Business unit

  • Transparency of service invoicing - the basics of invoicing can be checked easily
  • Information about the remaining life cycle of the devices in use.
  • The accuracy of procurement forecasts and budgeting improves.
  • More trouble-free working when the right kind of equipment is used.
  • Improving productivity and customer satisfaction with working IT equipment.



The anatomy of IT equipment loss

Today, companies and organizations have IT equipment everywhere, a large part of which is in mobile use. There's a lot of money in them. They change owners and places, they need to be stored,...

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