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Hardware asset management model

Audit, analyze, plan, implement

Development plan for the IT asset management model

The task of IT equipment asset management is to ensure the value obtained from equipment acquisitions for the business, minimize risks during use and reduce the environmental load. In order to succeed in this, we need jointly agreed goals for asset management and a practical plan about by whom and how the IT equipment assets are to be managed, and how the success of the management will be measured.

Basically, experts are needed who are authorized by the management to optimize the use and acquisitions of IT equipment assets. Optimization measures can only be carried out when experts have a sufficient amount of measured and analyzed information to support decisions. In order to obtain up-to-date and accurate information, a sufficient amount of advanced technology and controlled processes are needed for each phase of the life cycle.

Building a connection to financial management

IT asset management is characterized by its strong connection to financial management, which needs accurate information about the IT equipment base and its use for fixed asset reporting, financial planning and internal budgeting. The tightening economic situation of recent years and the pressure to save have brought financial management more and more strongly into the daily decision-making of information management.

A good measure of the quality of IT equipment asset management is how well the financial administration can reliably use the information produced by the information management or outsourcing partner when reporting fixed assets and forecasting purchases.

The stages of developing a management model

1. Audit of IT equipment assets

  • Accurate technical report on the number of workstations, mobile devices, software and peripherals
  • Which systems contain information about devices
  • Deviations, for example, in ownership and warranty information

2. Maturity analysis

  • Maturity analysis of IT asset management
  • Goals and metrics
  • Processes, information management, competence, personnel
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • It is carried out through interviews and workshops

3. Development plan

  • Responsibilities and duties of the management team
  • Processes and metrics
  • Information management and data logistics
  • Information systems used
  • Reporting to finance and management

4. Implementation of the management model

  • Forming a management team
  • Trainings
  • Additional integrations
  • Operational models of continuous service

Auditing of IT equipment assets

Few organizations have an accurate picture of IT equipment assets. The device registry is maintained manually, so it inevitably begins to corrode little by little. In financial administration, equipment acquisitions are shown as purchase batches corresponding to orders, in which case the financial data and the real situation are separated from each other. It is impossible to inventory terminal devices spread over several locations using traditional methods.

With Optimo's IT asset audit service, you can find out the real situation of your IT assets and deviations in different information systems.

Content of the audit

  • Accurately shows the number of workstations, mobile devices, software and peripherals in your organization.
  • We find out which systems contain information about the devices
  • We map deviations in, for example, ownership and warranty information.
  • You will find out the real age of the devices, possible missing devices, and discrepancies and errors in the data located in different systems.
  • We make a plan for real-time and accurate management of IT device data.
  • The mapping has a fixed price, and during it you get the opportunity to view the equipment assets through Optimo DUX.
  • If you also want to map your software assets and cloud services, we will implement it together with our partner Crayon. The mapping provides the basis for updating or creating an IT asset management plan if it does not yet officially exist.



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